Uncover Risk In Your Data Estate For Compliance And Regulation

Identify what personal data your organization holds, automate data protection and operationalize the implementation of privacy policies.

NOW Privacy stores and processes volumes of unstructured data to uncover unsecured sensitive data

This is a problem for businesses in highly regulated industries. Those who do not have complete visibility over their data estates are leaving themselves vulnerable to operational risk and reduced resilience.​ Audits by regulatory authorities or internal departments often create a compelling need to discover and remediate unstructured data to focus on risk controls.​

Benefits of uncovering the risk in your over-retained, unstructured data


Average enterprise risk reduction from sensitive data removal


Over-retained data uncovered and removed

1 YR

Time savings to find risk vs. manual methods


Efficiency in identifying and remediating risk

Find Personally Identifiable Information (Pii)

Identify spreadsheets and files containing significant volumes of PII, credit card numbers or other high-risk information which could be non-compliant. And bring to light the estimated 53% of your organization’s data estate that you didn’t know about.

Uncover Risk In Your Organization's Over-Retained, Unstructured Data

Create your own unique search from scratch to find specific information within your estate and quickly find other files with similar characteristics using Similar Files. Tag items requiring remediation and protect your organization from financial and reputational damage in the event of a breach.

Operationalise Privacy And Governance At Scale

Establish which data stores are holding large volumes of PII using the Privacy Dashboard. Drill into files to gain a quick overview of the metadata and the body of text in the document, to understand the sensitive subjects and topics contained within your organization’s unstructured data.

Put Privacy And Compliance Policy Into Practice

Upload your GDPR data privacy policies into workflows and run regular automated searches. Identify non-compliance across the organization and review findings to improve policy adherence and educate employees.

No two problems are ever the same. That’s why NOW Solutions has built a team consisting of real experts with experience in your industry.

Case Studies

 VI Insights

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Enabling AI for Industry & Government through Vertical Intelligence (VI)


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