Artificial Intelligence

Harness the transformative power of artificial intelligence. From PoC to full-scale operational automation, discover how our AI capabilities, including a dedicated GenAI lab, can redefine your approach to business challenges.

AI Integrations

Embed AI across your business to enhance operations and drive innovation.

GenAI Lab Services

Accelerate your AI initiatives from concept to execution with our GenAI Lab catering to both early-stage and large-scale  projects.

Cutting-edge AI models

Stay ahead of the competition with our state-of-the-art technology leveraging foundation models and fine-tuning techniques to create custom solutions tailored to your specific business needs.

Revolutionize Your Business with Artificial Intelligence

Integrate advanced AI capabilities into your business to streamline operations, enhance decision-making, and drive innovation. Our AI solutions ensure your organization stays ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Drive Core Business Value: Implement AI within core processes to maximize operational efficiency and market competitiveness.

Enhanced Decision Making: Utilize AI-driven insights to make faster, more accurate decisions that profoundly impact business outcomes.

Innovative Experimentation: Foster innovation, enabling you to explore new ideas and technological frontiers that can transform your business landscape and uncover new opportunities.

Understanding Customer Experience 
across Channels with AI

GenAI Innovation Lab

Our lab offers a suite of adaptable AI services designed to explore, prototype, and perfect technologies that propel your business forward. From enhancing customer interactions with sentiment analysis to streamlining operations through automated document processing, our GenAI Lab provides the tools to innovate and scale efficiently. Whether you're in the ideation phase or ready to implement enterprise-level solutions, our lab is equipped to transform your AI ambitions into actionable results.

GenAI Lab Use Case Examples
Content Personalization
in Marketing
Tailor marketing content to individual customer preferences using AI-driven insights, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.
Enhanced Customer
Service Bots
Deploy advanced custom bots or GPT models to improve customer interactions and support, delivering a more accurate and efficient context-aware customer service.
Expense Analysis
in Finance
Automate the analysis of financial expenses with AI, providing detailed insights and identifying cost-saving opportunities for your business.
Employee Buddy
in HR
Implement AI-powered employee assistants to support onboarding and ongoing HR tasks, improving employee experience and productivity.
Sales Lead
Quality Enhancement
Leverage AI to assess and prioritize sales leads, enhancing lead quality and improving conversion rates through data-driven insights.
Scalability Testing
for AI Solutions
Test and refine AI models to ensure they scale effectively with your business, maintaining performance and reliability as your data and user base grow.

Unleash the Power of GenAI in your business

Artificial Intelligence has moved from being a peripheral technology experiment to a central driver of business transformation. Our AI services not only enhance the technological capabilities of your existing solutions but also propel your business operations towards new frontiers of efficiency and innovation.

Service Details

Each of our services is carefully tailored to address the unique requirements of our clients. The following key areas illustrate where we can significantly boost delivery speed and improve results. Moreover, our expertise extends to a broad spectrum of technologies, ensuring we can support a variety of needs beyond the examples provided.

Key Technologies

AWS, Azure, GCP, Snowflake

Key LLMs

OpenAI GPT, Google Gemini, Meta's Llama, Mistral AI, Anthropic's Claude

Our Unique Approach

Every Now Vertical engagement has 4 key components which
ensure we maximize business value delivered from your data.

Data Governance
& AI Ethics
We weave data control, transparency and compliance into all that we do.
Value Realisation
Ready-to-integrate assets, enable rapid deployment & immediate business impact
Our data solutions leverage our industry expertise to deliver key business outcomes.
Agile Delivery
Our delivery validates & scales use cases, so outcomes align with strategic objectives.
Make Data work for you.