Data Science

Unlock the full potential of your data with NowVertical's expert-led Data Science Services. Our experts can develop industry focused solutions which transform complex data into strategic advantage, propelling your business forward.

Rapid Access to Industry-led Data Science Expertise

Quickly leverage advanced data science capabilities into your operations.

Scalable Analytics

Our data science services scale with your business.

Cost-Effective Innovation

Leverage our expertise to innovate and optimize without the overhead.

Transform Your Business With Data Science

Our Data Science Services provide comprehensive analytics capabilities, from predictive modeling to machine learning optimization, enabling you to enhance decision-making and increase operational efficiency.

Accelerated Insight Generation:
Reduce the time from data collection to insight generation, helping you to make faster, more informed decisions.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency:
Optimize your processes and reduce costs with targeted analytics that pinpoint inefficiencies and opportunities.

Improved Customer Understanding:
Gain deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences, driving better engagement and satisfaction.

Data Science Service Overview
AI-Powered Analytics
Utilize artificial intelligence to uncover deep insights and automate complex decision processes, pushing the boundaries of what your data can achieve.
Custom AI & ML Models
Develop bespoke models that are specifically designed to meet your unique business needs, ensuring precision and relevance in outcomes.
frameworks to streamline the lifecycle of machine learning models from development to deployment and maintenance.
Predictive Analytics
Anticipate future trends and behaviors but also receive actionable recommendations on how to best align your strategies to these insights
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Define Your Future With Advanced Data Science

Our Data Science experts use cutting-edge methods and technology to transform large volumes of data into a competitive advantage. We help you make faster, smarter decisions through data to drive your business success.

Service Details

Each of our services is carefully tailored to address the unique requirements of our clients. The following key areas illustrate where we can significantly boost delivery speed and improve results. Moreover, our expertise extends to a broad spectrum of technologies, ensuring we can support a variety of needs beyond the examples provided.

Key Technologies

AWS, Azure, GCP, H2O ai, databricks

Our Unique Approach

Every Now Vertical engagement has 4 key components which
ensure we maximize business value delivered from your data.

Data Governance
& AI Ethics
We weave data control, transparency and compliance into all that we do.
Value Realisation
Ready-to-integrate assets, enable rapid deployment & immediate business impact
Our data solutions leverage our industry expertise to deliver key business outcomes.
Agile Delivery
Our delivery validates & scales use cases, so outcomes align with strategic objectives.
Make Data work for you.