Customer Retention

Anticipate and act with our Customer Retention solution. Crafted to decode complex behaviour patterns, our predictive analytics identify at-risk customers, enabling you to intervene effectively and secure loyalty.

Holistic Customer Understanding

Comprehensive customer views collecting data from every touchpoint.

Intuitive Predictive Analytics

Navigate customer behaviours to forecast and counter potential churn.

Personalized Retention Actions

Strategic, data-driven actions tailored to individual customer profiles.

Grow Revenue by Retaining Valuable Customers with Precision and Insight

Proactively safeguard your most valuable asset – your customers. Utilise predictive analytics to pinpoint and retain clients with the highest lifetime value.

Enhanced Revenue Protection: Shield your business from unexpected revenue dips by maintaining a robust customer base.

Develop Customer Loyalty: Cultivate loyalty through experiences crafted around each customer's needs and habits.

Streamlined Retention Operation: Apply focused retention strategies, reducing the need for broad-brush approaches and ineffective spending.

Regain Lost Customers: Use tailored re-engagement tactics to bring former customers back into your offerings, enhancing long-term loyalty.

Increased membership by 5 months, decreased churn by 12%, increased ROI

Uncover The 'Why' And 'Who' Behind The Churn

Customer Retention is not just about preserving the status quo; it's a strategic approach to retaining your most valuable customers by understanding the signs of churn and acting decisively. With NowVertical's predictive churn models, uncover the 'why' and 'who' behind the churn and deploy targeted interventions that enhance loyalty and secure revenue.

Solution Details

While each solution is meticulously tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients, the below highlights key areas where we can accelerate delivery and enhance outcomes.

Solution Details

B2B, B2C, Subscription Services, Repeat Purchase Model.

Industry Expertise

Media, Health & Fitness, Retail, Telecom,  Financial Services

Data Experience

Data Science & Analytics, Data Integration, MLOps, AI Services, Data Engineering, Data Quality Management, Data Governance, Insights architecture, Data Visualization.

Improving Churn 
Identification by 
15% with ICBC
Our Unique Approach

Every Now Vertical engagement has 4 key components which
ensure we maximize business value delivered from your data.

Data Governance
& AI Ethics
We weave data control, transparency and compliance into all that we do.
Value Realisation
Ready-to-integrate assets, enable rapid deployment & immediate business impact
Our data solutions leverage our industry expertise to deliver key business outcomes.
Agile Delivery
Our delivery validates & scales use cases, so outcomes align with strategic objectives.
Make Data work for you.