Single Customer View

Centralize customer data from multiple touchpoints into one comprehensive view, enabling a deeper understanding of customer needs and behaviors, fostering a customer-centric approach across all business operations.

360-Degree Insights

A comprehensive view of each customer's interactions and behaviors.

Unified Customer Profiles

Behavioral data, customer data and transaction data all in a single profile

Real-Time Data Synchronization

Keep customer information up-to-date across all systems and touchpoints

Enable Customer-Centric Strategy with A Single Customer View

Enable your business to deeply understand and proactively meet customer needs. A single customer view is a core facet in driving personalized experiences, enhancing customer satisfaction, and fostersing long-term loyalty with a customer-centric approach.

Customer-Centric Decision Making:
Base all business decisions on a deep, data-driven understanding of customer needs and preferences.

Strategic Business Growth:
Utilize customer insights to drive product development, marketing strategies, and business expansion plans.

Seamless Customer Experiences:
Ensure consistency across all channels, boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.

A Customer-Centric
Data Model that Empowers

Transform Your Business into A Customer-Centric Powerhouse

Harnessthe power of a Single Customer View, this holistic approach allows for more accurate targeting, improved service delivery, and a deeper connection with each customer, transforming every interaction into an opportunity for growth and engagement.

Solution Details

While each solution is meticulously tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients, the below highlights key areas where we can accelerate delivery and enhance outcomes.

Key Technologies

AWS, Google Cloud Platform - GCP, Microsoft Azure, Salesforce (SFDC), Snowflake.

Data Expertise

Data Integration, Data Quality Management, Data Governance, Database Management, Data Security, Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Customer Relationship Management, Machine Learning/AI, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)

Our Unique Approach

Every Now Vertical engagement has 4 key components which
ensure we maximize business value delivered from your data.

Data Governance
& AI Ethics
We weave data control, transparency and compliance into all that we do.
Value Realisation
Ready-to-integrate assets, enable rapid deployment & immediate business impact
Our data solutions leverage our industry expertise to deliver key business outcomes.
Agile Delivery
Our delivery validates & scales use cases, so outcomes align with strategic objectives.
Make Data work for you.