Industry: IT & Software Products

Enhanced customer experience through a single customer view leading to improved loyalty and engagement

Benefits & Results

  • Enabled Adobe to measure and optimize Customer Lifetime Value by providing a complete view of customer interactions across different touchpoints.
  • Improved marketing and sales strategies through better customer segmentation and targeting.
  • Enhanced customer experience by leveraging accurate and comprehensive customer data to personalize communications and offerings.
  • The solution provided Adobe with a unified view of their customers, significantly improving their ability to make data-driven decisions, ultimately driving higher customer satisfaction and increased revenue.
  • Significant improvement in Customer Lifetime Value metrics.
  • Enhanced customer engagement and loyalty scores.


Adobe Inc. is a multinational software company headquartered in San Jose, California. It is known for its digital media and marketing solutions, including widely-used products like Photoshop, Acrobat Reader, and Adobe Creative Cloud. Adobe also offers cloud-based products enhancing digital experiences and creativity globally.


Issue Identification: Adobe faced issues with customer data scattered across multiple systems (Finance, Marketing, Product, etc.), leading to a fragmented view. Inconsistent and duplicated customer information made it difficult to track and understand customer behavior and preferences. Challenges in measuring and optimizing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) due to disparate data sources further complicated the scenario.

Issue Impact: Dependence on manual efforts for generating customer insights was tedious and error-prone. Data silos led to inefficient decisions by business teams, reducing the ability to leverage cross-sell and up-sell opportunities for existing customers.


NowVertical provided data exploration, standardization, and normalization from various sources to ensure consistent and accurate customer information. The integration of data from Finance, Marketing, and Product systems into a single unified data lake facilitated the development of advanced analytics dashboards and reports to provide a holistic view of customer interactions and behaviors.


  • Data Ingestion: Data was ingested from source systems into an integrated centralized data lake.
  • Data Modeling: Transformation into KPIs and metrics.
  • BI Development: Developed visualizations and reports using Tableau, PowerBI, Python, Big Query SQL Warehouse, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Salesforce CRM, R programming language, and SAP CRM.
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