Industry: Retail

Leveraging Business Analytics to Deliver Exceptional Customer Experiences; Driving Strategic Growth; Increased Revenue and Operational Excellence for Nike.

Benefits & Results

The implementationof a comprehensive business analytics solution provided Nike with numerousbenefits:

  • Efficient Operational Planning: Streamlined forecastingand resource allocation improved overall performance.
  • Enhanced Revenue through Tailored Cross-Sell Opportunities:Personalized product recommendations increased customer engagement and sales.
  • Optimized Financial Planning and Resource Allocation:Accurate financial planning tools facilitated better risk management andresource optimization.
  • Improved Customer Experience and Satisfaction:Insights into customer behaviour refined marketing strategies and boostedsatisfaction.
  • Optimized Supply Chain and Logistics: Enhanced metrics improvedsupply chain management and reduced costs.
  • Increased Accuracy in B2B Sales Forecasting: Accurate sales predictions aligned strategieswith business goals.


Nike is a global leader in athletic footwear apparel and equipment. Known for its innovation and marketing it features iconic products like Air Jordan and Air Max. Nike also engages in B2B business providing customized products and services to teams organizations and retailers. The company leverages advanced technology and data analytics to enhance product development customer experiences and operational efficiency. By integrating digital platforms and data-driven insights Nike aims to stay ahead in the competitive sports industry.


  • Data silos resulting in limited reporting capabilities and requiring extensive manual data preparation causing business teams to spend more time preparing data than making decisions
  • Distrust in the KPIs and metrics provided by Data and BI teams; Inability to optimize operational costs due to insufficient metrics and KPIs in areas such as supply chain procurement and logistics.
  • An absence of a data-driven decision-making process hindering business growth.


The solution delivered to Nike encompassed a comprehensive suite of business analytics capabilities designed to address the company's challenges and drive strategic growth. Tailored models were created for various business functions such as Finance Purchase Sales Marketing and B2B.


  • Critical performance indicators were automated for multiple areas including Fuels Logistics Inventory Promotion Market Share and Purchase.
  • Advanced financial planning capabilities were introduced including the simulation of financial variables and stress testing.
  • Detailed analysis of customer behaviour including customer experience (CX) and social media interactions was conducted.
  • Propensity models were developed to predict the next product customers are likely to buy.
  • Predictive analytics for B2B sales allowing Nike to forecast sales versus plan by key accounts.
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