Industry: Media & Communications

Enabling scalable, secure, and configurable cloud-based middleware services with accelerated deployment.

Benefits & Results

First of the kind cloud-based secured, reliable, compliant, standard, scalable and strategic integration platform on Azure within Sky Group ERP.


Sky UK Limited is a British broadcaster and telecommunications company that provides television and broadband internet services, fixed line and mobile telephone services to consumers and businesses in the United Kingdom. It is a subsidiary of Sky Group and part of Comcast.


The current ecosystem within the Sky UK Group ERP landscape comprises point-to-point connections for data exchanges causing increased TCO, data quality issues, data observability/reporting issues, redundancy, unmanaged & system-specific data structures, thereby limited collaboration.


NowVertical implemented a Group ERP Middleware Platform providing seamless enterprise data access and control with a secure self-service API platform tailored for rapid integration and comprehensive monitoring. Key components included: Enterprise-grade Integration Technology platform, API endpoints for standardized Sky ERP Master Data Entities, Accelerators for standard integration patterns, Self-Service API Discovery Catalogue, Secure platform with robust monitoring, logging and alerting utilizing Azure capabilities.


A 4-stage approach to deliver a production-grade middleware platform:

  • Provision & Design: Networking, Security, and DevOps essentials.
  • Standardization & Configuration: Standardizing data structure for seamless integration.
  • Initial Deployment & Proof: Establishing the cornerstone of the platform.
  • Operationalisation & Support: Implementing integrations for value realization and future integration support.
Make Data work for you.