Industry: Energy

Deploying Advance Analytics Architecture (MLOps) and DataOps

Benefits & Results

Cost Efficiency, Scalable Data Architecture, Faster Time-to-Market for ML Models.


YPF (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales) is an Argentine energy company primarily engaged in the exploration, production, and distribution of oil and gas. Established in 1922 and later privatized in the 1990s, it remains Argentina's largest energy company. YPF also focuses on sustainability and has ventured into renewable energy projects.


An on-premise Hadoop cluster with constrained functionality, lack of sophisticated tools for advanced analysis, extended durations to develop machine learning models, development occurred in production environments, absence of a collaborative framework for advanced analytics.


NowVertical conceptualized a solution that involves a strategic upgrade of their technical architecture and workflow processes: Current Assessment, Hybrid Transition, Cloud-First Strategy, Current Workflow Analysis, MLOps Implementation, Current Structure Review, Recommendations for Improvement.


Conduct thorough audits and assessments for the As-Is states in architecture, workflows, and organizational structure. Develop detailed plans for the transition to hybrid architecture and the adoption of MLOps practices. Implement the recommended technological changes incrementally, starting with less critical systems to minimize disruptions. Roll out training and development programs to upskill existing personnel and integrate new talents as necessary. Monitor the changes, make iterative improvements, and fully transition to the To-Be states as defined in the planning stages.

Make Data work for you.